Pretty much all my time outside of work is spent processing pictures. Seniors Lauren and Tony have been waiting very patiently for their images for several weeks now. Tonys will be completely finished today and Laurens will be finished by Tuesday.


I have two more seniors waiting to be processed ..... hopefully it won't take a month to get them done.
I also have a wedding this coming weekend. It's a never ending cycle!
......And a couple of pictures I entered in contests on this last week. I don't get much time to take pictures for myself - so I was pretty stoked to finally take something I could enter in a challenge.
Challenge: September Free Study.
Challenge: September Free Study.

Challenge: Emotional Abstract
Challenge: Emotional Abstract

Not so abstract.
But emotional.......
Ok, maybe not.
I just like the image and entered it anyway.
Not so abstract.
But emotional.......
Ok, maybe not.
I just like the image and entered it anyway.
Remember those stupid floats I complained about?
Well, the kids were great and we had a good time creating a wonderful float. They worked hard and it only took two days to finish! However, it didn't look like it only took two days.
It was probably the best float I've been involved with over the last 12 years! The theme was 'Under The Sea" and the class chose to recreate a spongebob scene.