It's already September.
I didn't even post in August.
Busy is the name of the game. I complained this summer that I was a bit overwhelmed with all the weddings and pictures........Boy was I stupid.
School started on August 19th and I have barely had time to breath. Things are going's just that there are too many things going.
We jumped right into the new year with a new principal and new expectations. More work gets piled on us and is expected to be done in the same amount of time as before. A little frustrating and tiring.
Since starting back to school, I've done four photo sessions. Three seniors and a bridal session (and finally got the wedding from this summer finished).
Leslie and Travis Wedding

I'm really excited about the bridal pictures. They turned out great and the bride really liked them. Her wedding was yesterday. I wish them the best!

The senior's images are taking a bit more time since my days are filled with my actual real job, but they are coming along well. Jessica's will be finished today hopefully and I will begin on Lauren and Tony's soon.

This week is homecoming week. One of the great "thrills" of teaching high school is the sponsorships and the "wonderful" activities one gets to oversee and supervise.
Parade floats.
Enough said.
A highlight of my year so far has been to watch my little brother play his first season of football. He's only had one game so far (last Thursday was rained out), but it's really exciting.

Here is a little bit of Jacob's first game.
Jeff - this is all you are getting. I had to figure out how to use the stupid camera again and haven't had time to do any editing of the footage. You are getting only the parts where Jacob played. Keep in mind, I'm not the only one who held the camera!
(You might want to turn the volume down way low - it's a little annoying - I will work on editing the sound for next week's game)
Enough catching up. I have to finish up Jessica's senior pictures before heading out to work on a float.
O, Joy.